6 Betting Mistakes That You Do Not Want to Make When Betting on Cricket
Making mistakes is completely human, but if you keep making mistakes while you are betting on sports then you can end up losing a fortune. While we can learn a lot from our mistakes in life, it is always best not to make the same mistakes over and over again, especially if there is money involved. If you are thinking about betting on cricket, then there are some common mistakes that you would do well to avoid, and you can find them all below.

Altering Stake Size
Gambling is obviously all about money and being able to manage your money is a skill that you need to have if you want to become a successful bettor. One error that cricket betting fans often make is to change their stake size based on how well they have been doing recently. This is something that should definitely be avoided - never double your stake and risk more money when you are on a good one, and if you are on a bad run then never try to win back all your losses in one bet. You should always have a flat betting approach, which is a strategy where you bet the same stake each time and only risk 1-5% of your bankroll with each bet.
Getting Too Carried Away
If a team is doing very well in a tournament or league, then beginners will want to place a bet on them simply due to the fact that the team is doing well. Likewise, if a team is doing poorly, then novices will not place a bet on them. However, this is a huge mistake that could see you miss out on a chance to win big profits. Why is this? Well, it is because teams that are on a winning streak are undervalued by the bookies. The bookies know that the public are going to back them because of their winning streak, so they shade the odds. Therefore, all that you end up getting is a bad deal. Therefore, our advice to you is to do your own research and stick to a plan before placing your bet.
Betting on Everything
Betting on every sport that you come across is the sign of a novice bettor and is not a good trait to have if you want to be successful in the sports betting world. Sportsbooks now offer markets and odds for a wide variety of sports and we know that it can be tempting to try your luck on something else, but having the mindset of placing just one more bet is something that can become very exhausting. Some well-thought our bets have a lot more worth than just betting on various markets to see how it goes.

Making Impulsive Decisions
It is nice to be loyal, but loyalties in the sports betting world will likely see you lose money. The best team should not be the one that you support, but the one that is likely to help you win some cash. You should not place a bet on a team just because you support them. If there is cash involved, then you need to forget about your emotions and bet with your brain and not your heart. If the cricket team that you support just so happens to not be doing very well, then simply do not bet on them.
Dwelling on Poor Decisions
A bad decision or a miscalculation can lead to a big loss. Now, we know that this might be heart-breaking but blaming yourself and dwelling on it will not lead you anywhere nice. Sometimes even professional bettors can undervalue or overestimate a team, so do not be too hard on yourself if you do the same. If you believe that luck is not on your side, just walk away and bet another day. There is plenty of cricket on throughout the year, so you are not going to miss out on much by not betting on one event. If there is nothing for you to bet on and you are looking for a great way to pass time, then we recommend you take a look at https://www.timeofgambling.com/gambling/. Here you will find all of the latest gambling news.
Having Unrealistic Expectations
Many novice bettors have expectations that are far too high. We all want to make quick money when betting on sports, but this is not what happens in reality. If it did, then everyone would be betting on sports and retiring early. If you start betting on cricket with the expectation that you will win ever bet, then you will be in for a bit of a shock. You need to quickly learn that you will have some good days and you will have some bad ones, which is what makes betting on sports so exciting.
Source: https://www.prokhel.com/blogs/11-blunder-mistakes-that-beginners-make-in-cricket-betting